

Above : Performing at Osteria at Bussana Vecchia Artists' Village, Italy

A must have!!! Sports massage for Belly Dancers

I don't know about you but lead legs, aching calves, twingey backs and most importantly, stiff shoulders can all have a negative effect on your performance.  However, these problems can be can all be greatly improved and often completely irradiated by a skilled sports massage.  This type of treatment is not a relaxing send you to sleep experience.  No, it is exhilarating and you will be amazed at how much it can enhance your dance and posture as well as preventing potential future injuries.

I've had 3 nagging problems caused through injuries over the years.  I've seen numerous massage therapists, sports therapists and tried other alternative remedies including acupuncture. Nothing properly worked. So, I grew to live with these limitations and pain/discomfort until recently.  I found Leslie a qualified sports massage therapist and natural healer.
I have always been very supple but a pulled hamstring left me unable to do the splits with my right (leading leg) forward.  After two treatments, I have regained most of my flexibility and can now do splits again!

He has also treated me for tension and stress headaches making pain killers unnecessary.  I felt like I was walking on air after his foot massage and I was noticeably lighter on my feet when bellydancing and salsa dancing.
A very stressful 2010 and weight training left me with very tense shoulders.  Deep tissue massage has loosened them up enormously.

Leslie is based in Central London (Kings Cross) but can also do home visits

The planet Egypt  showcase is a fun night with Middle Eastern club music after the show and in the break offering everyone - novices and veterans a chance to dance.  The show content is always varied and the atmosphere is electric!!!

For more details, please visit



Special thanks to Rosy for inviting me to dance at her first showcase and hafla.  I shall be uploading something soon to you-tube - watch this space or the link

For further details of future in events in Highgate North London, email Rosy

Supporting the Medine Memi Memorial Scholarship

Medina Autumn Hafla

Special thanks to Ann Hall everyone who made the Medina Autumn Hafla at  Woodlands Art Centre, Gillingham It was a joy to perform there. 

My improvised drum solo performance can be seen by clicking
Tina at Medina - Drum Solo

For future events and details of classes in the Medway Towns, Kent  Contact

Ann Hall 01634 713229/07763549 255

or e mail

or click


Thank-you to Liljiana, for inviting me to dance at

A Magical Evening of Middle

Eastern Dance

 For details of future events call 07892 850584

and also thanks to Reena and the the other ladies for making it such a fun night! 


And don't forget the last Thursday of each month:-

Planet Egypt host the  Bellydance Showcase on the last Thursday of the month at

Darbuka World Music Bar

182 BASEMENT St John Street
London EC1V 4JZ
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7490 8772

Show starts at 8pm.

For more information about the show and other Planet Egypt Events visit


 Special thank-you to:-

Michelle for videos & photography, Rosy & Sue, Oriana, Vivian, Lisa, Alison, Lucy, Kim, Michelle, Thang

and all my gals who have contributed to the photos and videos as well as lending support to me over the years.

Thank-you Vashti for being my mentor and Melek for her Turkish influence.

Anne White & all the bellydance sisters (& brothers) for loyalty & encouragement.

You have all lifted my spirit on numerous occasions and have been (and continue to be) my inspiration.




For further info telephone 07961 382711 or email

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